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Home > Shanghai Glomro Industrial Co., Ltd.> LCD DTA Glass Transition Thermal Analysis Equipment

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LCD DTA Glass Transition Thermal Analysis Equipment


Product description:

Differential thermal analysis is a technique for measuring the temperature difference and temperature relationship between a substance and a reference substance under a program-controlled temperature. The differential thermal analysis curve describes the relationship between the temperature of the sample and the reference (ΔT) as a function of temperature or time. In the DTA test, the change in sample temperature is caused by the endothermic or exothermic effect of the phase transition or reaction. Such as: phase transformation, melting, crystal structure transformation, boiling, sublimation, evaporation, dehydrogenation reaction, fracture or decomposition reaction, oxidation or reduction reaction, destruction of lattice structure and other chemical reactions.


Instrument Features:

1. The new fully enclosed metal furnace body design structure greatly improves the resolution and resolution and better baseline stability. To

2. Using professional alloy sensor, it is more resistant to corrosion and oxidation, and the sensor has high sensitivity.

3. Perfect two-way atmosphere control system, precise control of purge gas flow, automatic switching of software settings, and data directly recorded in the database.

4. Using Cortex-M3 core ARM controller, the calculation processing speed is faster, and the temperature control is more accurate.

5. Using USB two-way communication, the operation is more convenient and supports self-recovery connection function.


Technical Parameters:

Temperature range room temperature ~ 1150 ℃
Measuring range 0 ~ ± 2000μV
DTA accuracy 0.01μV
Heating rate 1 ~ 80 ℃ / min
Temperature resolution 0.1 ℃
Temperature accuracy ± 0.1 ℃
Temperature repeatability ± 0.1 ℃
Temperature control

temperature increase: program control, parameter adjustment can be made as required

Constant temperature: Program control Constant temperature time can be set arbitrarily

Furnace structure The furnace body adopts a top-open cover structure, which replaces the traditional lifting furnace body, with high accuracy and easy operation.
Atmosphere control automatic switching of internal programs
Data interface standard USB interface, supporting data cable and operating software
Display mode 24bit color 7 inch LCD touch screen display
Parameter standard Equipped with standard, with one-button calibration function, the user can correct the temperature by himself
Baseline adjustment users can adjust the baseline by the slope and intercept of the baseline
Working power AC 220V 50Hz


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